Irfan - Pakistan : VB Forms in Excel 2007

Q : I was used to work with VB FORMS in Excel 2000, Now i have installed Excel 2007 but unable to locate VB Forms toolbar, where can I find this?

Dear Irfan,

"Developer" Ribbon (where Active-x and Form Controls are available) does not appear when you install fresh Excel 2007, to activate this Ribbon you have to follow these steps.

STEP 1 :
While Excel Open, click on the Office Button, then click on "Excel Options".

Under "Popular" tab, Click to Check Box before "Show Developer tab in the Ribbon".

Enjoy Learning!

Sheraz Ahmed - Pakistan : How to Unprotect the Protected Excel Sheets

Q: I want to unprotected the excel sheets. How it is possible? while i have no password to edit.


Dear Sheraz,

If one forgets the Password, there is no other way to unprotect the protected sheets within the Excel itself. However, i am giving a very useful TIP. Try this tip, follow the steps below, I hope your problem will be solved in minutes.

Login to Google Accounts Page : and click on "DOC" or you can directly log into the Google Doc page :

On Menu bar Click "Upload" and browse your Excel file that have protected sheet.
Google Doc will then upload, save and open the file in new window.
Now from the "File" Menu, click to "Export" and save the file to your derired folder with your desired file name.


Now open the file and your sheet will now no more password protected.

Enjoy Learning!

Templates : 2009 Year Planner and Calendar

Azhar Hussain asked from Pakistan

I have a list of part numbers in excel (36,000 lines)
I need to remove word Count from the whole list as well as want to make sure that initial 2 zeros should not be removed.

For Example.
Pls remove "Count" but make sure that first 2 zeros "00" should not be removed or deleted.
00-0005 Count
0-001 Count
0006648-801 Count
00083-002 Count
00131-022-005 Count
0013374 Count
0013879 Count
0013888 Count
0013889-15 Count


Dear Azhar Hussain,

You can do it easily by using the "LEFT" function available in Excel. Follow the steps below:

Step 1: click on the cell just after the first cell of the list of numbers.

Step 2: write "=LEFT(A2, LEN(A2)-5)", where "A2" is cell reference and "-5" is the number of characters you wish to erase from the field.

Step 3: copy the formula down the cells till the list ends.